Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Heaven - Love Poem

"That Day"
I was sitting in darkness
and feeling stressed,
and everything was a mess.
I was all alone with no hope at all.
Until that day when you came into my life
and rid of all my strife.
Now I am sitting in the light.

"My Heaven"
When I am with her
I feel like I am playing a slot machine
and I hit the triple seven.
A feeling of being in heaven
and I'm feeling bliss and joy,
and nothing seems annoying.
"Perfect Match"
She is glue and I am paper,
and we stick together.
She is the sun and I an the sky.
We make the perfect weather.
You got me addicted to you
and I can't get enough of you.
You got me bewitched, hypnotized and mesmerized
so I stay true to you.
God sure putted his thoughts in when we created women
because without them their would be no men left.
God sure knew my heart when he created her
because without her I would not endure.
I don't need nine women but only one
and without her my life wouldn't be this much fun.
Let me be yours
and you mine.
You are the girl that I only adore
and I will never treat you like a wh*re.
Every moment with you is like my last
and I will never get bored.
"First Kiss"
A first kiss doesn't taste anything;
however, the taste is so delicious
that I cannot stop kissing.
Oh, how wonderful is the taste of love and romance
that my spirit wants to just jump up and dance.
"A Miracle"
She created a miracle today at 8 p.m.
She got my inner child going out saying "Yum!".
It reminded me of my childhood days
when my mother would cook me my favorite delight.
B.B.Q rib-eye, green beans and smash potato that is made right.
I got sunshine
even when it snows or rain.
I have warmth even when it's cold outside.
My world is never dark because I always have light.
"Fate or Not"
Sometimes I wonder
if it was fate that bind us together
to make our lives better
or is it just a coincidence?
Maybe because I reached out
and took a chance
and asked you out.
"My Love"
A pair of shiny topaz gems lock onto me
And I wonder what it sees in me.
Her pair of red cherry cheeks
That I want to pick and eat
And her strawberry lips taste so delightful.
These soft golden silk that I touch
Which I cannot let go.