Saturday, March 22, 2014

You Are From Below, I Am From Above, You Are of the World, But I Am Not

Don't let them fool you
because opposites always attract
So get up, stand up, take a fateful step
For they have no idea what they say
Because naysayers are the real abomination
There they sit thoroughly absorbed
in their logic and their sense
For they can argue as they will
or intuit as they must

But as far as we know
we are quite different from them
as it is the cataclysmic pull that has brought
us to our knees
And from this he has come spiralling downward
and given us our decrees
They are the properties of the universe;
a teleological proposition based upon
the divine attributes of god
But sadly just how little do they know
They have no knowledge
and their ears cannot hear him
So bring them to the cataclysmal boom
It is a bang that has been made,
the product of hydrogen, helium and lithium
But it is the heat that caused the explosion
and from there our affiliation
Call it a cosmic concoction,
a song born of rhythm, melody and speed
Yet there is no need to explain it
because if you experience it you will know
So let the skeptics continue with their spiel
But we know that a rambling apology could never
begin to suffice
Because it is in the sanctity of their gibberish
that they raise their cockamamy claim
But please remember that they are not so different
from you or me
And there was a time that you were in their lonesome place
It is a numbers game but there lies the divinity as inaccessible as it is
So worship your googol and praise your prime numbers
The integers are upon us and there is no safe spot
to which we can run
But one day someone will realize all of the elements
and this information they will pass on
The glorious revelation will bring good will to the people
And from this point true understanding will come
But until that day happens,
it would only be right to reveal
For we must appreciate what we have been given
So let us welcome the geographical distinction
and every now and then we can engage in the spiritual gyration
You know it sets me on the sacred path
and it brings me so much closer to you
So refrain from too many needless questions
and learn to tune out those who may have bad intentions
Location is what you should be concerned about
but at the same time your formula has been very kind
Gerald Marchewka is an American freelance writer currently living in Lowell, Massachusetts. His most recent books, "Straight from the Heaven's: Li Bai's Poetry in Retrospect" featuring the illustrations of Seb Fowler and "Poetry for the Beat Generation, Volume I" are available on He may be reached at