Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mary-Go-Round - Love Poem

I am not wanted
I am a broke person
So I can't get any honey buns
No more chasing after love
I will let it come to me
because I am a blind man
That can not see
I'm the fool that got rejected.
"Thick And Thin"
I will stay with you through the thick and thin
Even when you are broke and down
I will always be around
I will stick with you harder then the ground
Because I love you with all my heart.
"What I Love About You"
What I love about you
Is your surprises
They are out of the blue
You are glue and I am paper
We stick to each other
We are Romeo and Juliet
Made for each other
And true lovers forever.
I am in love with Barbie
She got blonde hair and blue eyes
Slim and thin body
Her face is a doll
Big eyes and bewitching
She is not a toy
But my best friend
A companion
Maybe our relationship
will never end.
"A Knife"
She stabbed me in the chest
This bleeding will not rest
This pain I cannot explain
I gave her my heart
And she ripped it apart
Now I am a dead man walking
That can not talk
A rose without the sun
Dead and gone.
Drip Drop
Splat Slap
Kaboom, Crackle
The sound of rain tickle my ear drums
What such pleasant sound
A day that makes me feel like a bum
I do not feel like doing anything
On a rainy day
But I have too
Or else I will not get paid
Kids playing in the rain
Splash splash and Splash
As they jump in the puddle
And get their cloths all muddy.
She is a Mary-go-round
She makes my world go round and round
Every time she goes up and down
She takes away my breath
She got me gripping on her
And holding to her
An ecstasy ride
That made my night.
She is a Barbie.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, slim body and tall.
Her hair shine brighter than gold.
Her eyes are light blue topaz,
sparkling gems.
I don't worry about tomorrow
because I got her smile
that makes me let go of my sorrow.
Her laughter is so contagious
that give me tears of joy.
She is not a toy,
she is my best friend
and I am hoping this
relationship will never end.
No, No, No! She is not a real doll.
Just a metaphor
so don't get me wrong.