Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Portrayal of Urdu Jokes in Pakistani Urdu Newspaper

Life which is facing different difficulties in this earth. From morning to night one has to think only about how to survive. There is neither time for news and nor for a smile. With the advanced technology, Pakistan Urdu newspapers and Urdu jokes are provided online so that it becomes very easy for everyone to access them easily.

Urdu is a language which took most probably 900 years to be developed. The languages that helped it to get its shape are Persian, Turkic and Arabic language. It is the official language of Pakistan. Being the official language, Pakistan Urdu newspapers are the main papers that circulate all over the country. The newspaper is the most important thing in everyoneâEUR(TM)s life. With the new technology, Pakistan Urdu newspapers are reviving its content. The articles are getting day by day better for readers. Since the common people are the readers, Pakistan Urdu newspapers are now going beyond their boundaries. They are covering stories of the whole world. Since one knows that newspaper is the mirror of the world, so how the Pakistan Urdu newspapers canlag the race? People have the right to know what is going around him in his hometown and even have the right to know what is going in his country and other countries. Not only politics but also scientific invention, weather and various stories are published in the newspaper.
With the technology, people have a little time go through the pages of any newspaper. We spend more of our time on the net than sparing a little time in reading and going through the news. ThatâEUR(TM)s why Pakistan Urdu newspapers have also started to follow the new technique in making the paper more popular and stylish among the masses. The technology that Pakistan Urdu newspapers are following is updating the e paper site with all the breaking news and current news. E news is the latest buzz among the people who gets a very little time out of computers. So in this way the PakistanUrdu newspapers can attract the people and can make news to reach each and every nook of the country without any hazards.
With the hectic life in urban cities, people follow a strict schedule. Work and home with the daily duties to be performed is the routine of a common man. They have forgotten to look in the mirror and spend a little time for him. Only a smile can do a miracle. But how does a miracle happen? For that also Urdu jokes are there to put a smile and think beyond those things which have conquered the larger portion of a personâEUR(TM)s life. But do one mean by Urdu jokes? Those are some jokes and acts which chuckle our heart and make us happy without any demands. Urdu jokes are the best way to keep one mind and heart happy.
A smile that spread after reading Urdu jokes can keep the hectic day a pleasant one. People now days are in search of inner peace and a smile which has been lost in the concrete world. Everyone is busy in their work and life and has forgotten those sayings and the smile which makes human life worth living in this world. Urdu jokes are the one which transforms every rough day into the smoothest one. So if one is thinking about killing the day long tiredness then Urdu jokes are the one should go through. By texting Urdu jokes one can even bring a smile on the otherâEUR(TM)s face too.
Sharing a laugh is the best way to keep the grief out of mind and heart. One should not miss the chance to put a smile on every face around him. Keeping sharing and spread both joy and peace of mind.