Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Just Joking

How could you make someone laugh within seconds? How could you change a serious situation into a blast of laughter within a blink of eyes? The answer is by cracking a joke which can tickle the funny bones of everyone around.
How the Laughter Started

The culture of pranks or very short stories containing laughing moments have its first use in 1900 BC! Yes, it's that much old. From then onwards, the culture started to spread and even every culture generated it's own forms to make themselves laugh. Several stories associated with celebrated personalities are now used as jokes, not to laugh at them, but these stories or incidents have brought them closer to the general mass.
What are the Kinds?
The people who love to crack jokes never really care about what the topic is, as a spontaneous person could make a joke out of anything. It can vary from husband-wife daily quarrels to cricket or any kind of mishaps that we may come across in the newspaper every day. These days several sites have emerged with a wide range of jokes, whatever your topic is, they have something to make you laugh. Hindi jokes are available too, in fact there are a number of websites have come up with Hindi jokes that you can circulate via SMS or other forms like several networking sites.
The New Culture
The culture of cracking jokes was always there, but what ignited the culture to form a blast was the initiation of comedy shows in the arena of Indian television, and the revolution in the telecom service. The availability of a cellphone to every other person broke all the barriers and connected the human life like never before. Such revolutionary outbreak resulted several forms of popular cultures to grow and explore in the newly arrived domain. Circulation of SMS jokes is one among those. Jokes were never popular like this before. People got the correct medium to share their own moment of laughter with others. In spite of existing for millennia, jokes never got the acclamation of being a part of literature. All the time it has considered that tampering with the language and making nuisance result the formation of jokes. Telecom gave it the recognition that deserved and it proved a very crucial point on the part of jokes. You may like it or dislike it, but you certainly cannot ignore it.
Laugh out Loud
A joke may target some known person, may be some celebrity you are a fan of, or someone you know very well or it could well be you. But the basic purpose of a joke is never to malign anybody. The ideal way to deal a joke is to laugh at it, and then just forget. A lot of Hindi jokes target celebrities or politicians, but one thing they successfully ensure that your feelings for that person will not be influenced by that person. So don't take it seriously, lose all your depressions when a joke is coming your way. And who doesn't know that nothing is more healing than laughter?