Friday, March 28, 2014

One Person Considers One Day More Sacred Than Another, But Another Considers Them To Be All Alike

Woe to the person who has no eyes,
no fingers or a tongue
as subtle changes in the climb
may elude him altogether
When the rain begins to fall his skin
may fail to feel the drops
When darkness comes to the fore
he may not even miss the absence of light
For the universe is null and void
and everyday purportedly just like another
Oh how sad is the situation of such a man!
He is unable to grasp the differences
that may color his daily existence!
But do not cry and do not holler as somewhere
in his circumstance is a serenity that many of us
might not want to explore first hand
Even so there is a stillness, a tranquility and a placidity
that may turn out to be more than meets the eye
For instance, when snow begins to fly he is warm
and when the sun begins to shine he is cold
He has no affinity for the sea, and the salt he cannot taste
The waves have never disturbed him and somehow his head
has never been submerged
But call it a coincidence or a premonition that may come from
the firmament up above
Because the kingdom is vast and its alternative ways may be rarely understood
Clairvoyance is a gift and in comparison for many of us there may be so little
that we are able to discern
So let us refrain from our desire to interfere or disrupt what may turn out to be
both reasonable and good
For if a blind man is able to learn the ways of the world
that are quite contrary to our own
let us drop the suspicion and step back in reverence and ordinary awe
The mysteries of our existence may sometimes lie above the surface
of our understanding and the elements far above the perimeter
On a clear night we might fathom the stars and on a translucent day
adventurous souls might even dare to look directly into the sun
But do not be so naive that you could be deceived
Crude methods of understanding are likely to delude us
Look at the believer with his awkward apparatus,
he looks to the sunlight but sometimes fails to see the enormous sky
So how presumptuous we may be in judging the observations of others
Isn't it far better to remove ourselves from the center of the universe
and offer a permissive, celebrated sigh
For no man has the right to impose his impressions on the will of others
Subjectivity is influenced by history and individual responses from what we have all come to know
But more importantly
there is an intrinsic system of rewards and punishment
So it might be best to consider what the individual is likely to lose or gain