Thursday, March 20, 2014

Megan Fox and all her Cosmetic Surgeries

As a true beauty queen Megan Fox is trying very hard to become an actress. It's a shame that as hard as she might try people will not be looking at her for her acting she's just too good looking. How many people can say they watched the Transformers movie only to see her. Yes, her looks takes the attention away from the movie. How many people really care if she can act or not they just want to get an eyeful of Megan fox
images []. Maybe if she hadn't perfected her looks she would have been more normal and had a better acting career. Let's take a look at her competitive actresses like Kirsten Dunsnt for example. We all love Kirsten Dunst for her outstanding acting and she's also very pretty, not perfect but still beautiful. She didn't have to go and artificialize her face for acting. She didn't need perfect teeth to get her into stardom. Megan Fox was very pretty before and maybe she would have casted better roles that look for a common looking young girl. She can't get a role like that because she just doesn't look average.
Megan had a few cosmetic changes that made a huge difference. She really hasn't done anything drastic, but Megan is most famous for her nose job. She had the bridge of her nose slimmed to give her a thin nose. So what, everyone in Hollywood did the same, from Angelina Jolie to Ashley Tisdale why isn't anyone picking on them?
Veneers are also cosmetic work done to the teeth which 90% of celebrities also do. Megan's teeth where already straight to begin with, but the color and size are certainly artificial. Everyone is getting whiter caps these days even average people, it's so common that no one really needs to hide it. Teeth are never naturally white you either need to get them bleached or get the veneers. Teeth also don't magically get bigger; this is the biggest giveaway that teeth aren't natural.
Botox and breast augmentation are also on Megan's "have done" list. These are all common cosmetic work that almost all female celebrities do. I can just name one, Jessica Beil who's done all these things, but for some reason people are still picking with Megan Fox. If you ask me it's all starting to sound like true envy. Maybe she just happens to looking a little too good and a lot might think that it isn't fair.