Sunday, March 23, 2014

Inspirational Poetry: Looking At A Very Inspiring Poem

Inspirational poetry is the mind's way of expressing the joys, longings, and sometimes sufferings of the heart and soul. It can lift you up with a rush of inspiration or leave you swirling with new thoughts and emotions. Good inspirational poetry is always moving. It takes on an important aspect or question about life and attempts to answer it.

In this article I would like to examine one of my favorite poems, Start Where You Stand by Breton Braley, discussing its positive and motivational characteristics.
The theme of the poem is to leave the past behind and to live your life right now, in the moment. In essence: to start where you stand.
The truest wisdom is often the simplest. What can the past do to help you in your present situation? Your life is now and each day brings with it something new. Clinging to the past will not help you to push forward. As the poem aptly tells us:
This is another chapter in the book,This is another race that you have planned,
Don't give the vanished days a backwards look,
Start where you stand.
Time is always marching ahead of us, as each day we create a new entry in the book of our lives. If we stay in the past, holding on to past hurts, or even past successes, we will be left behind.
Good inspirational poetry takes a common truism like leave the past behind and breathes fresh life into it. Optimism combined with poetic lyricism gives this poem an emotionally moving charge that transcends the ordinary and just plain makes us feel good.
One of the best things about inspirational poetry is its uplifting spirit. While life is often hard, inspirational poetry encourages us to continue on. In this poem, the future belongs to the people of action - the brave and the bold, the doers and the ones who dare. Notice once again how the poem's phrasing (especially the third line in the stanza below) makes this poem soar above the realm of ordinary thought.
Forget the buried woes and dead despairs,Here is a brand-new trial right at hand,
The future is for him who does and dares,
Start where you stand.
The poem is encouraging, inspiring, and calls us to action. To stay in the fight and continue on in life. Good inspirational poetry will do that. It will keep us thinking and feeling long after we have finished reading.
Contemplating positive, life-affirming poetry is good for the mind and body. Hopeful, positive, upbeat thoughts and ideas relax your mind and actually cause your brain to emit chemicals that make you feel good. What you think, what you read, and what occupies your mind through out the day has a real effect on your mood, your personality, and your physical well-being. If you want to raise your spirits, try reading some inspirational poetry. Print out a few favorite poems and keep them in a place where you will see them often. They will give your mind and your spirit a positive boost whenever you need it.