Saturday, March 22, 2014

If You Do Not Remain in Me You Are A Branch That Is Thrown Away and Withers

Our Food: The Bad News
Unfortunately, most foods today simply do not contain the nutritional value we require. Those that are natural (e.g. fruits and vegetables) are green harvested, gassed and most likely genetically modified. Those that aren't natural (i.e. artificial man-made ingredients), are likely to contain a host of chemicals that our body was never built to digest.

Poor Food = Poor Health
According to a World Health Organization Report, America went from being the 12th Healthiest nation in the world in 1998 to the 37th in 2 years. 1998 was the year the practise of "green" harvesting became widespread.
For a great summary of the Food Problem, check out "Hungry for Change" on YouTube.
What Helps?
Every person has their own unique dietary requirements, however here are a few core principles:
1. We Are What We Eat
Whatever is put into our food, is put into our body. Ask the supplier what they put in their food. That includes what water and food the livestock are fed, as indirectly we are being fed these hormones and chemicals.
2. Natural Body - Natural Foods
Natural body was designed to absorb natural food. Duh. Scientists have found that when we put artificial food in our body, it doesn't digest and sits in our intestinal tract, releasing toxins which can lead to a big fat mess. A good starting point: If its green and it grows in the ground, that's a plus.
3. Alive Person = Alive Foods
While food is alive, it still contains the vital nutrients and enzymes that gave the food life in the first place. Cooking food (above 115?C) destroys all of the enzymes and the food becomes "dead".
Enzymes are vital for the body to digest and absorb food, effectively helping to turn it into fuel.
Are Supplements Really Necessary?
Unfortunately, due to the decline in modern foods being placed on our supermarket shelves, finding the right ingredients to live a long, healthy life can be difficult.
It is for this reason that people have turned to supplements to ensure they give their bodies what they need.
But with so many different supplement choices out there, how do we know which one to choose?
Well again, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that as our bodies are natural living things, they respond best to natural ingredients.
Again, it requires some detective work on our part, to investigate where a supplement's ingredients came from. The simplest way to do this is to ask the manufacturer directly or alternatively read the label (if you trust labels).
If they cannot account for exactly where each ingredient was derived, it may not be in your best interests to ingest their product.
On the other hand, if your manufacturer adheres to strict farming and organic growing practices, ethical treatment of animals and is dedicated to ensuring every product sold is of the highest quality, you'd be wise to go this route.
A great source of information on natural health is Dr Susan Lark, who can be found Here.
Choose your fuel wisely, your body will thank you for it.
At the end of the day, your body is your earthly vehicle, and no one else can decide what quality of fuel you give it. When we give our body the right nutrients it was designed to process, it performs optimally and we feel good. Not only will our immune system, energy and appearance improve, we also have far more energy that lasts.