Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Fully Enjoy a Justin Bieber Concert

Whenever Justin Bieber is in town, his concerts are always sold out the morning the ticketing booths open and if you have tickets to his concert, you've probably spent a bomb on it. So if you did, you would want to make the most out of this special event. Check out these tips of how you can do so.

Bring someone special with you. Special moments will spark special feelings with people whom you had those moments with. And how much more special can an occasion be other than a Justin Bieber concert? So bring that special person with you, hold his hand, sing along with him and when the moment and song is right, who knows, you might even get your first kiss.
Make a scrapbook with your other friends who are Beliebers. Justin Bieber has millions of fans around the world. To stand out, you'll have to do something special other than screaming his name. So, make a detailed, beautifully-adorned scrapbook with plenty of photos of you and your friends. Don't forget to include your contact number or email too. Who knows? Your scrapbook might be so good that it compels Justin to want to go out with you. To make sure Justin gets your scrapbook, you could hand it over to your local Justin Bieber fanclub, who most probably has contacts in JB's management team.
In addition to that, the concert might only be for a night, but you can make it last by the use of a camera. DSLR owners, don't forget to bring your zoom lens (at least 150mm zoom, depending on how far you are from the stage) to get close up photos of Justin. Photos that you should take include you and your friends with the stage in the background, awesome fan signs that the other concert attendees have written, something crazy and memorable which you did at the concert and lastly, if you have the chance, a photo with Beebs too. Don't forget to upload these photos on your Facebook profile, Tweet it or blog about it to make your friends squirm in envy.