Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beauty Tips for Face Glow

Beauty is one of the predominant factors that reflect your personality and confidence. But beauty salons will not be the only way to maintain. There are some effective tips natural beauty that can help you get your skin looking healthy and happy and help you avoid having to spend a beautiful naturally.You a fortune on expensive salon equipment and professional makeup. We now have to face what is basic manual that anyone can ask. Tell your routine with the latest beauty tips and practices to help you solve evil irritants and boosts your self confidence.

You may not realize, but the potatoes are natural home remedies for glowing skin and bright. To clear up your skin and reduce dark spots and scars, apply potato juice on your face. Raw potato is also very useful to reduce tanning and sunburn. Potato has natural bleaching effect, which can brighten up your skin so that your skin needs and brings a glow to the skin. So rub a potato on your face every day to shine, to get the skin clean and clear.
Coconut water is to drink a liquid natural and pure. Drinking coconut water regularly helps flush the body and causes blood to flow better, and healthy organs. Coconut water makes your skin shiny and clear, as it helps to flush out all toxins from the body. Water consumption of coconut helps keep your skin clean and beautiful. Drink coconut water is clear, your blood and gives you clear skin and radiant. Coconut water can also be used as a facial mask for acne and blackheads. Coconut is a good toner that can be combined with other ingredients for a radiant skin. Continues to use the coconut water on your face will help you get rid of acne and scars.
1. Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals and should be included in your meals, because they offer ease a little fiber, which helps constipation. Chicken drumsticks, green beans, jack fruit, grapes, figs, peaches, guavas and phalsa few of these sources.
2. Take grapes and carrot both the same weight. Clean and rub them together with peels. They eat about 200 grams of this mixture on an empty stomach in the morning with a free spirit. Take nothing for two hours. This increases energy and strength and lose fat. It cleans and purifies blood, makes her face radiant, and just beautiful. Grated apples and carrots can also be taken after lunch. This helps in increasing weight and relieving weakness.
3. haldi (turmeric) is very good for radiant skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of powdered haldi in orange juice. Rub on face and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash in cold water. Apply the same for the neck.
4. Turmeric (Haldi) and Sandalwood (Chandan) paste is a traditional method of skin care. It is very good for your skin radiant and beautiful. It also improves the complexion of your skin. Mix turmeric powder, milk powder and Chandan properly and apply on your face.