Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Tell Funny Jokes If You're A Serious Type

Even if you do not have one funny bone in your body, you can learn how to become more humorous.
Funny people tend to be liked by everyone, and those who know how to lighten the mood with an appropriate funny joke are welcome in any company.
But, being funny is more than just knowing how to tell jokes. It's more the way that you say it, than what you're saying that makes you a funny guy or gal. Think about it this way: even the funniest joke in the world would not be received as well as it could, if it was to be told by a robot (if robots could somehow tell jokes!).

If you're a serious type, you can infuse some light humor into your personality, without fear of becoming a clown. Instead of memorizing jokes, try to see something humorous about some everyday situation you find yourself in. Share your - hopefully, witty (or at least slightly funny and interesting) - remarks with your friends and colleges.
Don't worry if not everyone "gets" you: everyone has a different sense of humor, and you can't please everyone every time. Don't take it personal if someone doesn't laugh at your best jokes. You will encounter a blank stare from some people from time to time. Who knows, maybe it's them who haven't got a sense of humor - not you. Keep trying to create a funny situation out of thin air and you'll soon improve your joke telling technique.
If you're a serious type, don't all of a sudden start telling "dirty jokes" if that makes you uncomfortable. You don't have to lose your dignity just to make some stupid people laugh! Avoid telling jokes that are too controversial: political jokes are an example. A joke you tell can be completely harmless, but still hysterically funny.
Don't start laughing in the middle of telling your joke, no matter how funny do you find it. If you're a serious person to start with, just tell your joke with your regular voice tone and expression, and only laugh when others start laughing. That way, you can be sure they actually laugh with you, not at you.
Don't feel under pressure to come up with something funny. Do you really want to be labeled as a "joker"? Of course not: you're just one serious guy or a gal (and there's nothing wrong with being a serious person) who wants to add a little bit of fun in their life and the lives of the people around you.
It may seem superfluous wanting to learn to be funny and tell jokes, but you're actually improving your personality by becoming a more positive person, a charmer. And who wouldn't like to be considered witty by his social group? Only a liar, probably.