Tuesday, August 7, 2018

One of Hollywood's Greatest Actresses - Bette Davis

Like many of the earliest film stars, Bette Davis trivia shows that her start as an actress came through the theater rather than immediately through films. She had decided from quite a young age that she was committed to being an actress, and so applied to several acting schools in New York, eventually being accepted by the John Murray Anderson School of Theater. 

Her first professional acting job was playing a chorus girl in "Broadway", but would soon get to appear on Broadway itself in the play "Broken Dishes". Her Broadway appearances would quickly earn her the notice of the professionals in Hollywood who often attended Broadway shows looking for new talent.

A Bette Davis quiz will show that she did not have the instant success in Hollywood that some of her peers of the time did. She failed more than one screen test over her first few months in Hollywood, but in 1931 she would finally appear in her first film, "The Bad Sister". She wasn't in a big role in either that film or the next one that she appeared in, and although she never achieved success with her Universal Pictures contract, once she was moved over to a Warner Bros. Contract though things began to turn around. In "The Man Who Played Go" she finally got recognized, and from there her career began to grow.

Davis would have more success over the course of the thirties, including appearing in "Of Human Bondage" which was very well critically acclaimed, and "Dangerous" for which she would win the Oscar for. An interesting piece of Bette Davis trivia is that she has always claimed that she was the person who first called the Academy Award an "Oscar". She was also responsible for some reform to the Oscar voting process due to the outrage that she hadn't been nominated originally for "Of Human Bondage". She always referred to her prize for "Dangerous" as a consolation prize.
A Bette Davis quiz will show that she continued to work up until the eighties, working through the death of a husband, a war, and much personal illness and drama. By the time of her death she had established herself clearly as one of the most powerful and legendary leading ladies of all time, and in fact, became the very first woman to be presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute.

Masters of Trivia is a website dedicated to trivia games and quizzes that cover several different areas of interest. The various trivia questions available on the site can be easily accessed and played by going to http://www.mastersoftrivia.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3257634