Monday, April 21, 2014

The Sun Has One Kind Of Splendour, The Moon Another, And Stars That Differ From One To Another

Radiance, girth and other inter-planetary worms,
but the stars seem different as they meander and play
raising their hats to the other girls and boys
Making their way around the stratosphere,
listening to venome and moan
Yet from a distance there is no mistaking them
should they surface from behind the fold
Whiteness in their sacrificial gleam, perhaps a shade of silver,
but heat of a different color for sure
For contrast may be what stakes their claim,
as they often light the sky in a pittance of black
The fine art of distinction when subtleties and nuance abound
Intensity may vary and the shape of their body is likely to turn
But what are they really, in the eye a fleeting, burning sacrosanct state
Scientists may speak of gases but in a vision they are sacrificial gems
Diamonds in the sky, images of wonderment and awe
For the figure may produce astonishment, appreciation and fascination,
reverence, indebtedness and concern
Marveling at the mystery, beauty, refinement and grace
Revelation from a distance, artistry, pulchritude, magnificence and allure
For this light sprinkling of a ray may create devotion and iconic pageantry
in a subjective, impressionable case
Grandeur euphemisms, allegory, alliteration, and allusion
Metaphor, anaphora and antistrophe as everyone loves a star
A real miracle, a genius, a sensation and a whiz kid for the wonderland
Propellants for the retina, new emotion, stimulants for the optician, quaaludes
for a soulless, unaffected, undriven, tranquil dysentery nerve
They may appear as snow, falling flakes, white tulips in a garden
so let optimism advance as the human heart has a need to be known,
rambling in peaks of excitement that could make a choir boy sing
Sincere in his understanding of the lord, fervid, adoring and orthodox,
warbling gospel for the faithful in a journeyman's hymn, a specialist in bringing
unearthliness to the fore
For the connection between boyhood curiosity and the firmament up above
may be the course for comprehension, the pipeline, the aqueduct, gutter and gully
Semantic attachments in the development of a world, expansive parameters
in a universe to be established, proverbial chants from the cannon of religious ideals,
historical texts of morality and compassionate conceptions, scenes from an immaculate
nativity, exercises in teenage naivete
A belief in mountains that exist somewhere outside the inner life, sacramental convictions as what is supposed to be outer is integrated in the arrangement of thoughts and ideas, aestheticism of a very special type of elan, the animation of a
high-spirited, gingery, apple kind of life