Monday, April 21, 2014

How to Boil a Smiling Frog, Tears And Cheers! (2 Poems)

"How to Boil a Smiling Frog"
Introduce him... gradually... to a tepid pot of water.
He'll grin and bask most comfortably,
Unaware his imminent slaughter.
Let him feel that all is well, his leaders most benign,
Truly caring for his "common good"... that everything is fine.
Train him, to blindly float... as bubbles start to rise...
An expression of ultimate stupidry now clouding Froggy's eyes.
And as those bubbles rise and burst, distress begins to show...
Oh, Froggy dear, I greatly fear you'll be the last to know...
That those who soothed you early on, with promises now broken...
Your "leaders" whom you idolized, with bitter lies have spoken.
Every "ism", every king, every self-proclaimant...
Is relishing your slow demise while flaunting golden raiment.
You've paid the bill most willingly, for lunch that's "on the house"...
By trusting those who, God-like, are naught but nasty louse.
Gradually, dear luncheon special, you've catered to the dark
Who've taken and destroyed all life which once was natural park.
They've taken all, and squandered, as cheating was their rule...
But only because... this boiling frog... was such an easy fool!
Some questions for the reader:
Comprehension Questions:
Do you understand the use of "ism"? The "common good"?
Personal Response Questions:
Are you already in the pot? Why? What led you there? If there's a "next time", how do you stay out of the pot?
"Tears... and Cheers!"
Tears... for the death of a culture.
Only pockets of light remain.
Tears... for the death of beauty...
As man takes control through pain.
He truly believes he is God-like,
A sham of evil pretense.
He abuses and uses this beautiful earth
For profit, to all intents.
"It's my rightful bloodline divinity...
Or so religion doth spake.
After all... I created the guidelines...
And they give me the power to take!"
Tears... for the loss of innocence,
Before the fall long ago...
Before this man created a style
No longer balanced, and slow.
When hunters and gatherers made their way
As creatures of the earth,
Along with all the others evolving since their birth.
Evolving very slowly, as life would have them do...
Seeking not but their daily needs,
Thus preserving a symmetrical view.
Tears... for those who are cheated
By lies... and fear... and stealth.
Unaware that they are blindly supporting
Destroyers with a lust for wealth.
Conditioned by distractions (i.e. war, famine, plague, TV, terrorism, etc.)
From choices that are good,
They have lost the skills to lead their lives independently...
As leavers once did and could.
Misled by great inaccuracies designed to lead them astray...
From what men were, so long ago,
When they lived a different way.
Cheers! For those who are living
With zeal... and humor... compassion!
Qualities most unfortunately not popular or "in fashion".
Corruption and lies and profits
Have darkened the hearts of most.
But still there stand those precious few
Who have not given up the ghost...
That spirit of truth and simplicity,
Of caring and loving folks
Still able to laugh... not deadened by fear...
Who can make a thoughtful joke.
Cheers... for those with warm heartbeats,
An awareness of what truly exists,
They have dutifully learned what others may spurn.
As warriors... by the rainbow are kissed.
They choose to simply be "leavers"...
As distinguished from those who are not,
Attempting to heal the sores and the scars
Caused by (thousands of) years of political rot!
I applaud then... the leavers... not takers,
Individual pockets of light...
Willing to put forth their effort
Through actions necessarily right.
Some questions for the reader:
Comprehension Questions:
What are "pockets of light", as mentioned by the writer? Do you understand the concept of being a "leaver"? a "taker"?
Personal Response Questions:
In your own experience... can you give examples of "leavers"... "takers"?
What would you like to offer "tears and cheers" for, in your life?
Are you mostly a "leaver" or a "taker"? Think, first. Which would you prefer to be?