Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Understanding Urdu Poetry

Urdu has always been considered as the sweetest among languages. It's the language that invokes myriad emotions, and hence the preferred choice of poets and linguists. Urdu Shayari is an important part of Pakistani culture, with a number of poets to its credit who have colored the language with their memorable verses. Connoisseurs of the language express their love for Sher-o-Shayri and Urdu through mushairas, or poetic expositions, where Urdu poets recite their works to the applause of public who generally applaud them through "Vah-Vah's", a traditional way of praising the poets work.

It's not only Shayari but also Kahani Urdu that has many patrons. Common among the different types of Shayari include Masnavi, Marsia, Qasida, Ghazal, Madah, Fard and many more. Masnavi is a classical form of Sher-o-Shayri, that's classified under Nazm. These are long and descriptive poems that narrate a common theme. Poets generally use these to write about romance, religion and social issues.
Marsiya on the other hand is a poem that's written to salute and appreciate the great men of Islam. Usually these poems focus on the great battle fought by Hazrat Imam Husain and his supporters, fought on the plains of Karbala. These poems are usually written to mourn.
Ghazal is probably the most popular of all forms of Sher-o-Shayari. This is the most difficult to write as well. Romance is usually discussed through Ghazals. It literally means a conversation with the beloved. The word is derived from the Arabic word Ghizaal or gazelle. These poems are usually written in a minimum verse of 5 and maximum of 25, with each verse having a complete meaning, that doesn't lose its individuality when read separately.
However, youngsters today, no longer are interested to spend time on elaborate settings in these mushairas. They prefer to share their love for Sher-o-shayri through Urdu forum's that are available on Pakistani chat rooms. These forums are a common meeting point for lovers of the language to discuss their love for the language and Sher-o-Shayri. Besides Urdu poetry and Kahani Urdu, these forums also provide a common meeting point for likeminded Pakistani s all over the world where myriad issues like religion, science, literature and many more subjects are discussed.
These forums also conduct online mushairas, on regular basis where people are invited to recite their creation. Besides providing a platform for Urdu lovers to expose their talent these forms are also used to highlight works of major Urdu poets like Ghalib, Mir Taki Mir, etc. It's not only the Pakistanis, but Urdu lovers all over the world who are attracted to these forums.