Saturday, March 22, 2014

Shahrukh Khan Is a Man of His Words

“Hate me or love me, but you can’t ignore me!” These words were once uttered by superstar Shahrukh Khan whose wittiness and disarming charm is well-known. Over a period of time SRK has given has some great speeches in various events and recently he was asked to lecture at the 40th management convention of AIMA. He was asked to talk about success and who would know better than Shahrukh who has seen it all in the 20 years of his acting career.

We all know that Shahrukh is a self-made man. With no Godfather from the industry to back up, Shahrukh came to Mumbai initially to look for his now wife Gauri Khan but eventually became lost in the charm of Mumbai. There are various stories as to how he would sleep on Bandstand, Bandra when he had no shelter and some even claim that he vowed to buy the palatial bungalow Mannat which is currently where he resides. Shahrukh did it all and made a place for himself in the industry and is rightfully called the Baadshah of Bollywood.
So it’s more than apt when he is called by various organisations to gives speeches, inspiring people to become like him. But in most of his speeches, Shahrukh always focuses on using humour as a method to impart knowledge. We know what a great sense of humour he has and in each of his lectures, Shahrukh starts off by being humourous and having no idea as to why he has been given the duty of lecturing when he isn’t of that stature. You may think he’s being pretentious but that’s how SRK likes to break the ice and it is actually quite effective.
Throughout his speech Shahrukh will give you glimpses of his vast knowledge, because let’s accept it he’s a man of his words. He’s a well-read man who is smarter than he shows. His speeches are often shaped around his personal experiences and one cannot help but be charmed by his humorous take on everything and those magical words that he will weave as a web around you.
His speeches almost every time end with a filmy dialogue which he likes to recite or a filmy take on the topic given and he actually makes it sound intelligent. Many think he’s a shallow actor, pompous man who has lost his glory but at the end Shahrukh is one of the wittiest from the lot, his sense of moviemaking, marketing, his passion of acting and most importantly to accept life’s challenges is what has made him the Superstar he is today.
Here are some of the best quotes said by Shahrukh Khan followed by his best speeches. Do take a look!
# Success is not a good teacher, failure makes you humble.
# Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to the U.S. The immigration guys kick the star out of my stardom.
# Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it.
# I don't teach my children what is Hindu and what is Muslim.
# Success and failure are both part of life. Both are not permanent.
# I truly believe my job is to make sure people smile.
# I love being recognized, I love people liking me, I love the fact that people scream when I go out. I think I'll miss all that when it's taken away.
# I know it's very idealistic and utopian, but I believe we need to just let everyone not be judged in terms of religion, groups or nations or region.
# The true strength of your relationships only gets tested in the face of strong adversity. I lost a lot of friends post-Ra.One, apart from losing a lot of audience too. And post-Chennai Express, even though I've made no new friends, I have a whole new set of enemies, which is also interesting to know.