Saturday, March 22, 2014

Raw Vegan Superfood Recipes - Ideas and Suggestions

Every raw foodist should have their own personal recipe collection containing their favourite raw vegan recipes of all time. This will be helpful when they are in a rush for a recipe and will also be an invaluable tool to encourage a person to stay on track with their healthy lifestyle. What's great about most raw vegan recipes is that they are super quick to make as they require absolutely no cooking whatsoever! Here are a list of the most popular recipe creations which are the staple foods of a raw vegan diet.

Raw Ice-cream
Often made from coconut meat or frozen bananas to create a cool, creamy consistency, raw ice-cream is so delightful that even non raw-foodists will love it! Usually you just throw your ingredients in a blender or a food processor and mix until creamy - and voila! You've made your ice-cream.
Raw Brownies
These require no cooking - all you have to do is mix together (your food processor comes in handy here) some raw nuts (often walnuts), pitted dates, cocoa powder, salt and a natural sweetener, press down into a tray, and put in either the freezer or refrigerator until ready to eat! Yummy!
Raw Cakes & Cheesecakes
There are plenty of great gourmet recipes around for raw cakes and "mock" cheesecakes these days that have been created by professional raw vegan chefs especially for people like yourself. It's recipes like these that make the raw food diet totally worth it!
Raw Soups
If you have a blender and some fresh vegetables on hand then you can create your own raw soup concoction, or simply follow one of the thousands of gourmet raw soup recipes available that will tantalize your tastebuds. Raw soups have been said to have a flavour far superior than cooked soups.
Dehydrated Crackers & Flatbreads
You can make a basic raw cracker recipe from sprouted grains and seeds, or you can make a gourmet raw cracker recipe from different vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices to spice up your life. If you wish for a sweet version, you can easily add some nutmeg, cinnamon, chopped apricots, walnuts, etc. instead of vegetables. You can eat your dehydrated crackers and breads by themselves, with a dip, or as an open-sandwich.
Raw Salad
Grate, chop, slice, tear, cube or julienne vegetables and fruits of your choice and create a gourmet raw salad dressing recipe to flavour it up. Create a herby dressing, a creamy cashew dressing, a spicy tomato dressing, a walnut pesto dressing, a tahini dressing - the list of gourmet raw salad dressing recipes is endless. If you are not too good at creating your own salads (we are not all born to be chefs!) then simply follow a yummy raw salad recipe of your choice.
Raw Dips
These are really quick and easy to make. There are raw dip recipes available to satisfy tastebuds of all sorts: spicy dips, garlic dips, "cheesy" dips, beetroot dips, carrot dips, cashew dips. You can eat your dip with crackers, vegie sticks, or use it as a sauce for "raw" vegetable pasta (julienned vegies) or as a salad dressing.
Raw Smoothies:
Avid raw foodists are blending green concoctions nowadays for super health benefits. A green smoothie will usually consist of green leaves (particularly spinach), a banana, herbs and spices, and other ingredients to make it taste nice such as lemon juice or a dash of sea salt. Of course there's tastier options, which are made from any fruit of your choice, cacao powder if desired, often a banana to make it creamy, a few spices, etc.
Raw Juices
These can only be made if you have a juicer at your disposal. To be quite honest, every raw foodist needs a juicer in their kitchen. Nutrient-dense juices are vital to a healthy raw vegan diet. A popular juice is made from five simple ingredients: apples, beetroot, celery, carrots and ginger. The more apples you add - the sweeter your juice will be! The more ginger you add - the spicier your juice will be! You are the creator of your juice - it's completely up to you!
Visit to read more on raw vegan superfood recipes, to read about some amazing raw food success stories, or to get information and advice on the raw food lifestyle. Many are choosing the raw vegan lifestyle nowadays for its recognized health benefits - why not look into it further yourself? It's your health - and your future.