Monday, March 3, 2014

Poetry Writing Tips for Beginners Guide

In fact, all people can write poetry. If you found yourself difficulty to write poetry, it is not mean you can’t do it, you only unaccustomed. A couple years ago I still learned how to write a good poetry, maybe same as you now.
Experienced poetry writer, perhaps easy to write a good poetry. But for beginners, the commonly to be confused by what makes a good poem.
So, what is a good poem?
Very hard to answer this question. I know that each poet has the own answers. And every person have the own taste. But, I will try answer it.
Perhaps we must know what is a poem? Edgar Allan Poe ever said, “Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.” And William Wordsworth’s opinion is Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.
If you got it, I will describe about good poem. Because poetry always written by feel and think of a person, so a good poem should be can touch the reader’s heart.
How tbo write a good poem?
Just note that writes poetry is an art. So you need to practise. And keep writing. Here are some time to begin learn write a good poem.
1. Avoid use cliches
As you know about poetry definition, that is creation of beauty in words. Bu if you use cliches, the beauty will not appear in your poem. Try to makes a sentence or line with use your own style. Often own style is not cliches.
Also use your own expressing only, this is your life. Don’t use or imitate a big poet style. But you can learn how they make a poem.
2. Choose the right topic
Each poetry certainly have a topic. Death, love, nature, social, and more you can choose. But the easiest is you choose about your passionate. Because it will give you creativity energy and poetic power.
3. Use literary technique
Literary technique help you make a good poem. If you want to create strong imagery, literarary techniques also help you. Many literary techniques you can use in your poetry. But don’t excessive. Try to use metaphor and simile. The two techniques are more regular than the others.
4. Ignoring the poetry types
Yes, poem have many types such as haiku, sonnet, ballad, ode, etc. But for now, we must ignoring those. All poetry types have many rules. For example if you want to create a sonnet, you should write 14 lines, and you must play the game others rules. This is hard for you.