Thursday, March 20, 2014

Megan Fox's Diet Is An Online Myth

People in America and the world for that matter are obsessed with Megan Fox []. Much of the obsession is about her body and how slim she is. Women and men are asking the question 'what is Megan Fox's diet'. We know for a fact that her Transformers director ordered her to gain weight. We also know that she ate a big slice of fattening cake each night before bed in order to gain the weight. We also know that she routinely drinks calorie rich frappuccinos. We also know that she doesn't frequent a gym. Megan Fox has even stated that it is very difficult for her to gain weight.

What does all this information imply? It's simple, Megan Fox is an ectomorph. Her metabolism is simply a lot faster than most people and as a result her calories are burned much quicker. In other words she would need more than double the calories to gain weight. It is actually quite logical so for all those people seeking out answers to how does Megan maintain to look so slim, the answer is simple she eats normally.
If this disappoints people or if they don't believe then think of a skinny person you know in real life. Now try to remember what that person was eating, many he or she ate food just like everyone else. Maybe the only difference was he or she didn't gain weight. That's ectomorphs are the have a very hard time gaining weight. And ectomorph who tries to add muscle mass would need to eat 2 to 3 times more than and endomorph. If you're envious of Megan Fox then I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that ectomorph don't enjoy being thin forever. Usually around the time they are in their late twenties to early thirties their metabolism begins to slow down drastically. And as a result they begin to put on fat much quicker than regular folk. The reason is because they are thin with hardly any muscle mass.

There is some good news though because you can increase the rate of your metabolism. Certain foods and beverages are know to accelerate the metabolism. Green tea and grapefruit are two things but there are also spices help too. The best way to increasing metabolism though is to eat smaller meals. Eating 5 to six small meals a day will certainly give your metabolism a boost. Skipping breakfast is about the biggest mistake you can make. Doing so will put your body in 'starvation mode' and when that happens your body naturally holds on to your stored fat. So don't skip breakfast, eat smaller meals, and try to eat foods that are know to speed up metabolism. Add some exercise, remain dedicated and there isn't a reason why you can't be as slim as Megan Fox.