Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Keira - Who She Is and Who She Portrays

“I feel like I’m always the one with everything to prove.” - Keira Knightley
This gal has shown us so much of her character through the contributions she has made personally and professionally. She hits you as a very down to earth person who would rather not spend her time in a gym, is comfortable with herself, admits to being a tomboy, but can stun anyone as she walks by with pretty face, and knows the meaning of being charitable.
Some would argue that her career began at the age of three when she asked her parents for an agent. However, she was six before she began regularly appearing on screen for our entertainment. Even with work, she still attended school and did well despite some issues with dyslexia that she was able to overcome with lots of hard work and persistence. College was also something she dabbled in but gave it up when a large film landed in her lap. She said that all she could think about was performing so she took a break from schooling.
“In a funny way, I think you create yourself. I think it’s much better to go with the flow and embrace your body, whatever shape it is, and just be happy.”- Keira Knightley
Keira had reportedly spent nearly every day in the gym while filming “King Arthur” as the very fit Guinevere. Here her tomboy side was able to shine as she fought in battle scenes sporting her body and being comfortable with that. She once settled a case where someone had labeled her as being anorexic, an issue that is no stranger to her family, but she matched the settled amount of money and donated it to a charitable cause dealing with the disease. She has made it very clear that she is not an anorexic.
Could it be that she does so many period movies because she is so real? To be portrayed as those in history who had no reason to be false but every reason to be themselves? She comes across as one with her own compass, a sense of independence, but the compassion to help those along her journey. With that in mind, the characters she plays in films seem to match her personality, which could be a large part of why she is so believable on the screen. Many of her characters are brave, headstrong, and full of love. If you think back on her career, some of what she has graced us with has been Sabe from Phantom Menace, Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean, Juliet in Love Actually, Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. The list keeps going, she’s just that good.
Keira has proven to be a woman to look up to. Our beautiful face in Hollywood, being ranked high in the “100 Most Beautiful Famous Faces From Around the World” polls for many years now. And has found happiness for herself not only in her successes, but also in her personal life. She is one I hope to never see leave the screen. There is lots of good information about Keira Knightley and movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds End online.