Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Is Anybody Home?

Today's teachable moment, well actually it was yesterday's teachable moment but we didn't have time to post it on here, is/was brought to you by a national pizza chain. I won't tell you which one, to protect the guilty, I mean innocent, but they have a 2 digit number in their name.

So last night, my beautiful and amazing wife (2 brownie points for me. Wink) decided to treat us all with a pizza party. Well actually, I believe she was treating me for being such a sensitive, loving, and caring husband. The kids just mooched, as any normal kid would.
After much debate, research for the latest deals, and deep soul-searching, we, I mean she, decided on Pizza 74-1. (Hint, hint) Now our family usually gets basically the same thing every time, no matter what place we order from. We usually take a BBQ chicken pizza, a donair pizza, and 2 pepperoni pizzas for the K-Krew.
Before we go any farther, maybe I should explain what a donair pizza is for all of you wondering. It's a Maritimes tradition from the Atlantic coast of Canada. If you haven't had a donair or donair pizza, you're not really a Maritimer, eh? Instead of pizza sauce, they use a sweet white sauce called donair sauce. Next, they put shaved donair meat which is some type of processed beef. Is it healthy you ask? Um... not sure, but it's good. Then on top they put diced tomatoes and onions. I skip the onions because they ruin it. My mother would always tell me that onions don't even taste like anything, to which I would answer that if you don't taste them then why bother to add them.
OK, now that we have laid the foundation, we can discuss our crazy teachable moment. So my wife (did I mention how great she is? Wink) ordered at the counter. Apparently, the order taker guy was pretty spaced out. You will see why I say that in a second. 20 minutes later, the pizza was ready. Yum. My wife is super vigilant about order accuracy, so she checked out the pizza before driving away, just in case. She discovered that the BBQ chicken pizza didn't have BBQ sauce. Duh? So she had to go back in and get it replaced. The funny thing is, they did the same mistake last time.
In the meantime, she brought the other 3 pizzas home so we didn't have to wait to eat. I waited though. When she got back with the BBQ chicken pizza, we started to eat. As I went to get a slice of donair pizza I realized something was amiss. The donair pizza had pizza sauce instead of donair sauce. Man, what a bunch of wing nuts... Anyone that has had a donair pizza knows it is absolute sacrilege to not have donair sauce on it. It's like a Tim Horton's without donuts and a double double.
My wife decided to go back and get a proper donair pizza instead of the mess they gave us. When she got there, the counter guy didn't even see what was wrong. The boss was there and seemed confused why it was made wrong. So after another 12 minutes, she had our donair pizza, complete with donair sauce. The whole ordeal toOK about an hour.
The lights were on, but clearly nobody was home. Have you ever had a customer service experience like that where no matter how many times you explain or ask for something they loOK at you like your speaking gibberish. It kind of reminds me of a hilarious song by KJ 52 called "COKe, Fry, and Cheeseburger" that describes him trying to place an order at a drive-through fast-food restaurant. You have to check that out for a good laugh!
It seems that customer service and listening are both lost arts in today's world. Sure the lights are on, but is anybody home? I can imagine that you all have similar stories. Why not leave a comment telling us your story of a crazy teachable moment?