Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Egyptian Jokes - Facts and Myths About Arabic Sense of Humour

Egyptians are very warm people with great sense of humour, they love to laugh and make jokes. However, when talking to them remember not to offend them. There are some stereotypes which are present in nowadays Egypt. Egyptians laugh at many things. The obstacles met in every day life give them many reasons for jokes. So when meeting the Egyptian do not think that he is laughing at you. With his smile he expresses his liking towards the group of tourists. Arabic sense of humour and so arab jokes are very funny and for sure will stay in memory for long.

Each region in Egypt has its own specific sense of humour. Egyptian jokes that you will hear in Cairo can be much different from those in Alexandria. However it does not make any difference because there is one goal, smile on the face of the receiver. In public places, politics is not the subject of arab jokes; jokes of this kind are mostly heard among close friends and family. Jokes at religion or muslim women may be ofensive for Egyptians, so it is better to avoid telling them. Sex is the subject of jokes among young people; among the older population they can be not understood or badly perceived. The same advices apply to all arabic countries. Of course, this is the matter of cultural differences between arab countries. Some countries are more open than the others. This is why egyptian jokes differ from those spoken in Saudi Arabia for example.
While staying in Middle East I heard one of the arab jokes. It was very short and funny. It said "Once upon a time there was a stupid man and his family tought him respect and culture. So he started to knock on the door of the refrigerator before opening it". Another time when I was I Cairo the guide told me one of the egyptian jokes. It was like this "One stupid man decided to commit suicide jumping off from 6 floor - instead he jumped twice from 3 floor" As you see the jokes are very short and do not make harm to anybody. That is the essence of arab jokes.
And now some advices for those who want to travel to Egypt.
Woman, while staying in Egypt you will hear so many compliments that you come back home slimer, taller and younger by minimum 10 years. Egyptians have this charming ability to tell arab jokes in friendly and breaking the ice manner. They are extremely funny in that.
Man, do not be jealous of the words directed at your woman - each Egyptian in his blood has the need of being polite and friendly towards other people. Egyptian jokes and funny stories have to entertain everybody. They are to make laugh among friends and introduce a little of fun during long day at work.
If you want to find some egyptian jokes to laugh at, then we can facilitate you with a broad platform where you can find a lot of arab jokes. Surely you will enjoy their incredible sense of humour.