Friday, January 31, 2014

Urdu Poetry and Its Impact

Any literary works, whether prose or poetry has its impact on an individual or a group in a manner effectually influencing their sentiments. I am concentrating on Urdu literature specially the poetry. It is essential and necessary to look into the birth of an Urdu language and its progress from late fifteenth century. The passage of time has evidently established its dramatic and profound effects elevating the language status besides the social, cultural and literal aptitude of the generations. In addition, it has changed the political situations and forced the tyrant and weak rules to alter their attitude. The most impressive part was the integration of communities in oriental societies. Their cultural and social interaction has developed into educational interest and produced many eminent personalities.

The external forces conquering the regions which are now called India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have witnessed the effective political, social and cultural interaction. The conquerors were speaking Arabic and Persian languages, and the above regions were thriving on many dialects and languages, which were both written and spoken. The interaction between these people with different languages and dialects has eventually given birth to a language which is called Urdu. The dialect of Urdu language has undergone a change in all compass directions. The impact of these regional languages and dialects are still visible and noticeable. However, the written and literary part remained unchanged. In fact, it has progressed with leaps and bonds. The cardinal source of wide spread of Urdu language, undoubtedly, is "Poetry." Therefore, it is evidently established the importance Urdu poetry played in multifaceted forms. As T.S. Eliot says, "Poetry should help, not only to refine the language of the time, but to prevent it from changing too rapidly." It is still playing a pivotal role, although, the grand masters of poetry were from the golden era from sixteenth century until an early nineteenth century. However, the later generation of poets is following the footsteps of grand masters.
The noteworthy effect of poetry is "Gazal' in which each couplet is independent. This is the romantic form of poetry, which has made a profound impact, in spite of stern opposition, in the Urdu poetry. It has scaled the pinnacle of success and achieved much desired popularity among the masses. The grand masters of Gazal were Mirza Galib, Mir Taqui Mir, Etc., On the other Nazam is a form of poetry, which is a continuous narration of a single thought and its associated philosophy. It has made a tremendous political and social impact. It has changed the whole profile of the nation and masses which has made dents into the political structure of rulers and ruling parties. The most famous and popular among them were Josh and Iqbal. These two forms of Poetry have transformed the thinking of many individuals and groups alike. The vocabulary has reached new heights in Urdu literature was due to Marsia (Elegy). This specific form of poetry is responsible for the initial richness of the language. The most noteworthy were Anees and Dabeer. Subsequently, other poets have added depth and power to the language. The other forms of Urdu poetry contributed socially and culturally and the impact remained peripheral and short lived. The early twentieth century witnessed a greatest poet Josh Mallihabadi's contribution to Urdu poetry as unparallel in the history of Urdu literature.
Analysing the leads in the formation of the Urdu language, then we conclusively determine the role played by existing languages and dialects of these regions. The amalgamation of different regional languages and dialects with Arabic and Persian has given richness and sweetness to a new language Urdu. The impact on human values was tremendous, and it still contributing in terms of fine arts and culture. In addition the sophistication and mannerism prevailed in a pronounced way. The literary status of the followers has made significant inroads in the multifaceted cultural societies. The sweetness of the language is like sound of music to the ears. The etiquette and humility have prevailed in the early period and continued until recently. However, with the advent of modernism and diversification clubbed with other attractions has diluted the fabric of Urdu culture and traditions. The common spoken and written language was once Urdu has now restricted to a specific country and some selective regions. The language's softness, rich etiquette and mannerism still hold waters. The Mushairas (Cultural gathering in which poets recite their Gazals, or Nazams, etc.) have and still contributing towards its revival and growth.