Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Famous Hollywood Celebrities and Hypnotherapy

Every now and then, dozens of news and articles are appearing about famous celebrities undergoing hypnotherapy. However, some people are too suspicious to believe to the idea that celebrities did hypnotherapy sessions with the sole reason of fixing their problem and without any promotional agenda.
Yet, almost everyone in Hollywood are running towards hypnotherapy in the hopes of solving their problems and issues in life - such as alcoholism, smoking or drug addiction, eating disorders, depression, anxiety and every problem you can think off that is the result of too much fame and fortune.

So, best believe that those celebrities had genuine reasons why they had hypnotherapy, and too keep the ball rolling - here is a short list of famous Hollywood names that undergone hypnotherapy:
Orlando Bloom
The Prince Elf of Mirkwood who was part of the Fellowship of the Ring, and killed thousands of Orcs with his elven bow and arrows was once had a severe addiction to chocolates. That’s right, Orlando Bloom who is famously known as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings trilogy eliminated his unhealthy crave for chocolates by having hypnotherapy sessions.
David Beckham
Sources say that David Beckham, one of the most famous and successful professional football players on earth, had hypnotherapy to help his “personal issues”. The detailed reasons up to this date are still a mystery. Well, it is not a shocker to have intense personal issues considering that you are part of the prettiest male Brits that walked the planet; and you are married to the curvy Posh Spice.
Sophie Dahl
After taking things to consideration, Sophie Dahl decided that she is tired of being a “plus sized” model (and not that there is anything wrong being a “plus sized” model”). With the help of hypnotherapy the model from England dropped a huge amount of weight.
The hypnotherapy she had was similar to the weight loss hypnotherapy Adelaide which can be found in Australia. The mentioned program is the reason why Sophie Dahl managed to keep the weight off. She is also maintaining her size while living a healthy lifestyle.
Kevin Costner
When you say Kevin Costner, what movie pops up in your mind? If you answer is Water World, then you will be amazed with this interesting fact. Did you know that in order to complete the filming of Water World, Kevin Costner had to fly to Hawaii to meet his personal Hypnotherapist? Reports say that either Mr. Costner had a phobia on waters or he had seasickness. Either way, the amazing part is without hypnotherapy, the movie Water World would not be played by a great actor.
Tiger Woods
Before all the big controversy about Mr. Wood’s mistresses, he was constantly using hypnotherapy to block out all distractions and make him focus on the game. There may even be a big chance that he is currently undergoing hypnotherapy seeing all the issues thrown at him.
There you go. The list of celebrities stops here. However, the internet is full of many interesting stories about celebrities in hypnotherapy; you just have to look for it.
Hypnotherapy is not new to famous people, even Mozart and Einstein had undergone it. Everybody has their own battles to fight, and hypnotherapy might help with that as how it helped these celebrities.
Visit your local hypnotherapy clinic and join their programs such as the quit smoking hypnotherapy Adelaide in Australia or any other hypnotherapy clinics all across the world.